Liminal spaces

7 Apr

a poem

I am hiding, and I am the one who is hidden

I am with you, and I am the one who wants to go home,

I am home, and I am the one who wants to be out

She is torn, you may say

She is lost, you may say

I am torn, I know

I am lost, I know

I walk the world striking a conversation

about being torn and lost

I hear some answers

You might guess where I am going

What I am finding out makes me smile

The humor is that we all got together on the stage of this planet to move in the same dance!

Running around the arena does not mean you are not lost

Safety is what we crave and do not notice when we get it

And, only in liminal spaces we learn the truth

Read an article about Liminal Spaces here

Today with Beata January 16, 2019

17 Jan

Sasha is in Boston on a business trip. Zach, who is in college now, left Sasha’s credit card inside his semi-abandoned car on some parking lot in San Mateo. So, Sasha asked me to get the keys, and today was the da for it.

I shoved the keys attached to a long string that says “Aragon” for the last four months into my purse on my way to work without looking at the configuration of the keys. These are the only keys on the string in our house. Before my first meeting of the day at work, I looked through some emails and texts from my colleagues and noticed a message. It read, “I just want you to know that you ruined my morning, stressed me out and now you are going to pay for it a lot that will probably will cost $50 total. And I am going to be late to school and Scout is not walked at all!” Followed by, “Yeah, was slightly overdramatic but this is still very-very inconvenient. Is there any chance you can pick me up from CSM at 5?”

What happened? Beata attached the keys from the car she is driving now, my car that I gave to her to use while I am driving a Ford rental to be specific, and I mistook them for Zach’s keys in the morning. An unfortunate mistake we needed to correct. And, we did. I changed my last meeting plan with a boss (oh, no!) and a wonderful afterwork plan to meet for team with a special friend who I will not see now for a while, sacrifices a mom makes so the daughter is comfortable. “ooooo ok! spasibo,” came from Beata, and we love each other again. How do we know? I wrote to her, “I love you,” and she said, “I love you too!”


Elena’s Birthday – turning 46 today

2 Feb

What a day! What a morning!

I woke up to smell the roses covered by drops of rain. The family was at the bottom of the steps, I was at the top. By family I mean: Sasha, Zach, Beata, and Scout. Midnight too was nearby, where is he now, left the house into the rain when the kids went to school and not back yet, it is almost 10 am.

I was served Zach’s amazing cookies, he has not baked for us in a while, reminding of his vigorous baking days after that day in Upper West Side when he was inspired by a gourmet market when we came to visit Johnny Sade and bought a book on baking for him, signed by the author and a co-owner of the store *they closed it just recently, how sad.


Beata made a smoothie of all smoothies! It was a three-layer smoothie: top – rasberry, silky and sick, middle layer: pineapple and banana, and the bottom – a surprise with blueberry dotted with small grape. To die for!

They were so kind, attentive, and happy, music, hugs, I got it all. So happy now! I love and loving!

On summer party time

14 Jul



Having a night filled with fun is for the young at heart.
My sister is no longer in her twenties. She has a birth of her son and a death of her friend behind her. Yet, shaken as she is, she invited friends to her summer retreat on Fire Island. Off we go to Cherry Grove by water taxi after a spectacular day of beaching and swimming oh so close to a couple of slick happy dolphins.
 At night, on a water taxi, we chat with family and new friends, our faces, open to the all-too-friendly wind, are turned towards the  pink of a gorgeous sunset over the water. Our souls are warming up as if in a slow cooker . My sister and her husband are getting in the mood for love, and I am a lucky witness of the beautiful link between them. 
 We easily find an inviting, simple beach side  restaurant. Are we in Maine? Sand dunes surround us. After the  ritualistic display of comradely, tasting morsels from each plate, we eat seafood and burgers. The  thread of the conversation is spinning smoothy, spanning across themes of introductions, welcomes to the circle of friends,  discoveries of similar interests, jokes; all channeled to emit an unforced energy boost like a drink of latte, foam first.
While dining, we all notice a male deer with antlers outside the low fence raised around the perimeter of the restaurant, and the second one following him. He has antlers too. We joke that even deer in this town are homosexuals, it is a rare event to see two male deer together. A waiter stops by, and we are relieved that he is in no rush to leave. He is a cornucopia of  stories, the imagery is so vivid, he is our sweet dessert. After dinner, we decide to go for a walk before catching a 10 pm ferry to go home to Seaview.
Up we go to a karaoke place which offers karaoke by day and a drag queen show by night. We all are curious and agree to stay for few minutes. The show is a spectacle worth seeing, and Megan suggests, “Shall we stay for another hour?”, an invitation we cannot refuse.
The whole time of the show I cannot take my eyes of a back of its biggest serious fan, a worn out wolf in the front row. He is tipping each drag queen generously. He is not entirely bold and has disheveled long graying hair that dangle  on his shoulders, hair are bent by the rim of his black leather vest like ancient bushes beatten by hurricanes.
As time goes by and I get into the groove, I reach a point of no return where thinking is replaced by enjoyment, and enjoyment transforms into joy. My sister is having a great time, I see those funky sparkles in her eyes, hallelujah. Megan is on fire too. We dance, passing White Russians and feeling like three graces, why not.
A girl runs out screaming that she will party on her night because she just turned 25. She wants to connect, and comes out on a porch to connect, and she connects, she talks to us, we all laugh at the end, there. In fact, the whole show is about connecting. The show was using the props and the queens to say “Let’s climb to the point of a screeching turn when you begin to feel love for life and feel the beauty of being human, and pain of being human, and reach the point where empathy and joy join hands and dance the beautiful dance of life. Let’s live and let live!” We all dance.
The water taxi takes us back in the darkness, stars are above us. I let my scarf lose, and it becomes a wave behind me, reaching far into the darkness.

Letter in Russian from Zaki

6 Oct

2011/10/2 Zachary Gold

Когда-то, была кошка. Он жил очень счастливо с женой и ребенком, пока кот был голоден и украл красивых репу с огорода ведьмы. Ведьма пришла в ярость, идя в доме кошек и сказал: “Кот ты был очень плохой кот сегодня, так я научу тебя уроком. Я вернусь свою жену в человека! “С этими словами она качнулся свою палочку и вдруг жена кошки начал расти, он когти оболочкой, и ее глаза стали в широте и в ее голове расцвел идея о необходимости заботиться о кошках кормить им молоко (которое она имела обыкновение знать, что они ненавидели) и инсульт них вряд ли (который чувствует себя удары), так что когда она вернулась в сознание, она взяла своего мужа и избили его и своего ребенка к тому, что они заснули. На следующий день кот идея. Ему нужно было найти то, что создал людей действовать, как они были коты. так что в течение ночи, пока его жена спала, он обнаружил, что его жена все еще ​​ненавидел молоко, потому что теперь это был напиток, который перевернул ее обратно в кота. так что на следующий день, он прокрался немного молока в чай женщины, только что падение будет делать. , когда она пила его, она тут же отпрянул в любви, красивая кошка, и они жили долго и счастливо

English translation:

What we do with our Cow

19 Sep

Two years and two months.  Hot July for Isaiah, but we enjoyed our  cow at home.


Ring Around the Rosie

18 Sep

Isaiah’s first Ring around the Rosie at his first day of school.  Since then we have done ring around the Rosie over two hundred times.

We are dizzy and happy.


The Golds Day in historic Philadelphia on Saturday, August 20yh

21 Aug

Beata’s Entry


I woke up and read a little bit

Then mom came and surprised me that we were going on a tour inPhiladelphia. We ate cereal. Then we drove toPhiladelphia. First, we went on a historic walk

That was one mile long. Then we went on a walk to an Israeli Café Ole. It was yummy!!!!!!!!!! I had a European styled grilled cheese sandwich. We walked to Betsy Ross’s house and watched a 10 min show. It was about an artist whose name was Charles who couldn’t find what to paint. So he imagined what Betsy Ross looked like. “Blue eyes, brown hair.” She was showing her flag to some men. Next, only me and mom went into Betsy’s real house. There were only 6 rooms. Betsy was in a sewing room. She asked if I wanted to be an apprentice.

I thought for a moment. Then, shyly, I said yes.

She told me the pranks that old apprentices

Did on new apprentices. First, they would tell me to count the feathers. But, everyone knows that was a prank. Then, they would say count the tacks. This time the apprentice thought this was important because you would need to know if you needed to buy anymore tacks. But, it turned out to be another prank.

Then, we went to a “once apon a nation” bench where they told stories about how theUSAbecame a nation.

Lastly, we went to the oldest tavern inPhiladelphia

And took a shrub drink and a colnial chicken pot pie from the kids menu.

Then, we came home and relaxed. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


17 Aug


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Hello Family!

17 Aug


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